15 Ft. Mose Trail, St. Augustine, 32084
(904) 823-2232
Daily, 8:00am to sunset

The former site of a 1700s-era fort and the first free African-American settlement in the United States, this historical park will keep you busy for a couple of hours if you’re visiting the St. Augustine area. A 700-foot boardwalk leads through salt marsh where you may encounter resident Green Herons, Marsh Wrens and Clapper Rails, as well as winter visitors like Northern Harrier, Common Yellowthroat and Hooded Merganser. An observation deck at the end of the boardwalk looks out over shallow, cordgrass marsh with scattered hardwood hammocks. The largest contains a Great Blue Heron rookery, and a flock of endangered Wood Storks often roosts here as well. Bald Eagle and Roseate Spoonbill (occasional) are also possible. Check the live oaks and open grassy areas by the visitor center and the trees around the parking area for Common Ground-Doves, Red-bellied Woodpeckers and Yellow-throated Warblers.