2550 N. Banana River Dr., Merritt Island, 32952
(321) 633-1874
Daily, dawn to dusk

Located on the west side of the Banana River, just south of SR 528, this park is best visited between September and March. The park provides a good view of the water where waterbirds like Green-winged Teal, Red-breasted Merganser, Common and Red-throated Loons (uncommon) and Horned Grebes congregate in fall and winter. Spotted Sandpiper, Great Egret, Little Blue Heron and White Ibis can be seen on exposed shoals at low tide. Walk north along the shoreline and check the mudflats on the north side of the causeway for Dunlin and Least Sandpiper. Great Blue Herons have been known to nest in the tops of neighboring pine trees, and Loggerhead Shrikes are present year-round. A boat ramp provides access to the river.