1 A. Max Brewer Memorial Pkwy, Titusville, FL 32796
(321) 264-5037
Daily, dawn to dusk

Adjacent to Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, this urban park straddles the Max Brewer Memorial Parkway and offers an excellent view of the Indian River Lagoon. The Park is at its best in fall and winter, providing views of Bufflehead, Lesser Scaup, Dunlin, Common Loons and Horned Grebes. Wading birds like Reddish Egret and Roseate Spoonbill are sometimes present and both Osprey and Bald Eagles are regularly spotted. Check both sides of the road for loafing Royal Terns, Black Skimmers (which sometimes rest in the parking lot in large flocks), Great Black-backed and Herring Gulls, and Ruddy Turnstones. Uncommon winter ducks such as Long-tailed Duck and Surf Scoter have been recorded at the park, A boat ramp provides access to the lagoon; dolphins and manatees are often spotted.