11676 Palmetto Ave., Jacksonville, 32226
(904) 251-3537
Daily, 9:00am-5:00pm (closed major holidays)

Located on the northernmost tip of Fort George Island, the Kingsley Plantation is a good place to view fall Neotropical songbird migration. From mid-September to mid-October, birders will find 20+ species of wood-warbler in the hardwood hammocks, plus wading birds and shorebirds along the salt marsh and mudflats of the Fort George River. Spring migration is equally exciting, with Black-throated Blue Warbler, Ovenbird, American Redstart and Worm-eating Warbler passing through. Scan the hardwoods for Blue-headed Vireo and Hermit Thrush in winter. Painted Bunting and Gull-billed Tern may be found in spring and summer; Reddish Egret and Gray Kingbird sometimes occur here as well. The site checklist includes raptors such as Osprey, Bald Eagle and Northern Harrier (winter). Examine the island’s daily sightings report and pick up a map and bird checklist at the on-site visitor center, which also details the cultural history of the property. Portions of this island are in private ownership; please respect posted private property.