3900 Shamrock Dr., Venice, 34293
(941) 861-5000
Park: 6:00am to sunset
Nature center hours vary, due to volunteer and staff availability.

This park, which is a trail connector to the Venetian Waterways Trail and Caspersen Beach, contains coastal scrub which the county works hard to maintain. As a result, this is one of the best sites in the area to spot Florida Scrub-Jays. The two closely monitored families of jays here (along with neighboring Caspersen Beach) are as likely to be seen along the ADA-accessible paved walkway as they are on the scrub trail system. The local Audubon chapter census for this park documented 118 bird species. Look for Magnificent Frigatebirds soaring overhead, Tricolored Herons, Swallow-tailed Kites (summer), Common Ground-Doves and Brown Thrashers.