Site Nomination Form
For the Great Florida Birding and Wildlife Trail
Prospective applicants should visit this page after reading the FAQ’s and downloading and viewing the Application Packet. Note that the Application Packet contains a Guide to the Site Nomination Form, including the questions that will be asked on the form.
Site Nominations are open from 10 a.m. Oct. 3, 2022 to 5 p.m. Feb 28, 2023. To begin a Site Nomination Form click one of the buttons below. Each applicant may submit up to 10 Site Nominations, and each Site Nomination requires its own Site Nomination Form.
It is not necessary to complete an entire Site Nomination Form at once. It can be saved and edited any time before nominations close. However, once a Site Nomination Form is submitted it is considered final and cannot be reopened.
Lauren Ali
Great Florida Birding and Wildlife Trail Coordinator
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Russell Office Park
1875 Orange Ave, East
Tallahassee, FL 32311
Office Phone: +1 850 488 9478
Cell Phone: +1 850 559 0503
Email: lauren.ali@myfwc.com