300 Anastasia Park Road, St. Augustine, 32080
(904) 461-2033
Daily, 8:00am to sundown

This state park has much to offer and boasts a list of over 200 bird species . On the way in, check the Salt Run inlet for Reddish Egets and Clapper Rails. Scan from shore at the boat concession area, or the sandy spot further south. Alternatively launch a kayak and bird the inlet by boat. From the campground, hike the shaded nature trail for Painted Buntings in spring and summer, and wood-warblers during spring and fall migration. Four miles of beach provide great opportunities for viewing nesting Least Terns and wintering Piping Plovers. Head to the north point of the beach to find more shorebirds and terns. Low tide is best for shorebirds, as they feed in the tidal pools. If you have a spotting scope, scan offshore for wintering loons and sea ducks; Common and Red-throated Loons and all three species of scoter can be found. When the wind is blowing onshore you may see pelagic seabirds especially during the fall; Great and Sooty Shearwater have been spotted as well as Leach’s Storm-Petrel and Pomarine Jaeger. A fishing pier (small fee charged) is accessible by foot from the south end of the beach; this is another good spot to search for sea ducks and pelagic species. Rarities recorded within the park boundary include Ruff, Franklin’s Gull, and Glaucous Gull. Butterfly viewing at the park is excellent; look for Common Sootywing, Eastern Pygmy- Blue, White-lined Sphinx and Zarucco Duskywing. Bikes, canoes and kayaks are available for rent onsite.