2300 Truman Scarborough Way, Titusville, 32796
(321) 264-5105
Daily, dawn to dusk

This Brevard County recreation complex resulted from a unique partnership between the Brevard County Natural Resources Watershed Management, Eastern Florida State College, the City of Titusville, the St. Johns River Water Management District and the Parrish Medical Center. In addition to providing recreational opportunities, the park was engineered to prevent polluted storm runoff from entering the Indian River Lagoon. Habitats include artificial lakes and wetlands (salt marsh and mangroves), plus hardwood and sabal palm hammocks. Look for Wood Storks, Glossy Ibis, Cattle Egrets and other waders (such as Roseate Spoonbills on occasion), Mottled Ducks, Laughing Gulls and Forster’s Terns. Bald Eagles flyover occassionally and Ospreys are a common sight. Walk the trails through the hammocks for songbirds such as Painted Buntings in winter and Prairie Warblers in spring and fall. One of the park’s best features is a five-story observation tower with a commanding view of the lagoon and wetlands. Paved, level paths throughout most of the park make traveling easy for people of all mobility levels. The complex is located immediately behind the community college’s gymnasium, home of the Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival, one of the largest birding festivals in the nation.