601 Ponce DeLeon Blvd, DeLeon Springs, 32130
(386) 985-4212
Daily, 8:00am to sunset

John James Audubon visited these popular springs in 1832, which he dubbed a “garden with beautiful flowers and a pure sky.” It was here that he reportedly encountered his first Limpkin; modern-day birders can still find this bird as well, along with splendid scenery and much more. Located just north of Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge, the Spring Garden Run from this state park flows into Lake Woodruff. Hike the 4 mile Wild Persimmon Trail (register at the ranger station first) through hydric hammock, floodplain forest and old fields – look for songbirds during spring and fall migration; 15 species of wood-warbler have been recorded including Cerulean and Tennessee. The trail can be challenging, and portions may be flooded at times. For a shorter journey, take the short paved, wheelchair accessible nature trail which passes through a hardwood hammock. A concessionaire-run, 50-minute boat tour leaves from the recreation area’s dock and takes trips down to Lake Woodruff, an excellent way to see Bald Eagle, wading birds and wintering ducks. You can also paddle your way into the wildlife refuge (kayak/canoe rentals are available in the park, or you can bring your own) to explore the marshes and waterways.