12713 Fort Caroline Road, Jacksonville, 32225
(904) 641-7155
Fort Caroline: Daily, 9:00am-5:00pm
Theodore Roosevelt: 9:00am-4:45pm

These two sites are part of the National Park Service’s Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve, and they represent some of the last untouched coastal habitat in northeast Florida. Stop by the Fort Caroline visitor center for an introduction to the area, a bird checklist and a map. The woodland trail leading to the fort and the Hammock Trail can be good for migratory songbirds during spring and fall. Wading birds and raptors may be seen from the fort and be sure to check the Spanish Pond area across the road. There are several trails on the property; the Willie Brown Trail runs through a maritime hammock to an observation platform where Clapper Rails can be seen and/or heard. The thicker underbrush at the Theodore Roosevelt Area provides refuge for songbirds and can be excellent during spring and fall migration. Look for species such as Red-eyed Vireo, Veery, and Painted Bunting. Over 25 species of wood-warbler have been recorded including Connecticut, Bay-breasted and Black-throated Green. Summer is uncomfortably hot and buggy, but the rest of the year promises an enjoyable adventure.