920 Lake Hollingsworth Dr., Lakeland, 33803
(863) 834-2233
Daily, sunrise to sunset

Located in the middle of Lakeland, this 358-acre urban lake has a remarkable diversity birds; over 125 species have been recorded. Easy viewing opportunities abound thanks to boardwalks and a paved sidewalk trail which runs around the lake perimeter. Purple Gallinules are common on the south-southeast corner of the lake and are habituated to people, so you can get a close look plus great photographs to boot. Great Egrets, Snowy Egrets, and Tricolored Herons are common too. Watch the cattails for Black-crowned Night-Herons and Least Bitterns. In winter, Royal and Caspian Terns plunge for fish in the lake and American White Pelicans gather on the lake. During periods of low water, American Avocets and other shorebird species have been seen here, and Black-necked Stilts are common in winter and early spring. Wood Storks frequent the west side, and Great Blue Herons often nest in the oaks on the lake’s edge. Check the lakeside trees for migrants; 15 species of wood-warbler have been spotted including Blackpoll and Black-throated Blue. Water fountains are located every mile along the route, but remember that the trail is in full sun for most of its length.