County Road 415, Osteen, 32764
(386) 329-4404
Daily, sunrise to sunset
On the eastern shore of Lake Monroe (and bordering the St. Johns River) is a spot you don’t want to overlook. Most of the habitat here is wetlands (including freshwater marsh, wet prairie, hydric hammock, cypress swamp and bay swamp), which serve as a regionally important Florida Black Bear corridor. Miles of trails provide a great all-day birding experience. From the parking area, take the red trail south for 2 miles down to the river. Watch for Least Bitterns and Black-crowned Night- Herons. Glossy Ibises, Wood Storks and King Rails can be found in the marshes year-round, and American Pipits in winter. American White Pelicans and both Spotted and Solitary Sandpipers may be seen in spring. Take the 6 mile yellow trail to access higher and drier habitats on the east side of the tract, including longleaf pine forest, scrubby flatwoods and pastures. Look for Florida Scrub-Jays, Sandhill Cranes, Loggerhead Shrikes and Bachman’s Sparrows. Crested Caracara, Short-tailed Hawk, and Barn Owl have been recorded. Portions of the property may be flooded at times. Boat ramps to explore the St. Johns River are available at SR 46 and Lemon Bluff Rd. A walk-in trailhead is also present on Lemon Bluff Rd. off SR 415. Primitive camping is allowed at the river; maps are available at the entrance kiosk. Seasonal hunting may take place when the lake drops below the average water level; call ahead for more information.