6000 Lake Washington Rd., Melbourne, 32934
(321) 255-4400
Daily, dawn to dusk

Lake Washington is the largest lake in Brevard County, and it is one of the first in a series of lakes that give rise to the St. Johns River. Wood Storks, Least Bittern, Greater Yellowlegs, Purple Gallinules and Limpkins can be found on this community park’s waterfront. Bald Eagles, Snail Kites and Northern Harrier have all been recorded and be sure to search for wintering sparrows around weedy edges of the park. During migration, Red-eyed Vireo, Bobolink, and Magnolia Warbler are possible and in winter, both Marsh and Sedge Wrens can be found. Painted Buntings are sometimes present during the winter months. This park has a busy boat ramp and airboat launch on weekends. On a weekday when boat traffic is less busy, launch your kayak or canoe from the boat ramp and paddle to the southern end of the lake for a better chance to see Snail Kite.