SW 8th St./CR 22, Bristol, 32321
(850) 643-2282
Daily, sunrise to sunset
Trail map

While there are Red-cockaded Woodpecker (RCW) cavity trees ringed with white paint visible throughout the 571,000-acre national forest, this site offers the opportunity to park and hike to view the birds on foot without danger from passing traffic. From the small parking area, hike south to the small lake where ducks like Lesser Scaup may be found in winter. The west side of the lake is a good foraging and nesting area for the woodpeckers. Around the cavity entrances, you will notice sap running from holes drilled by the woodpeckers; this is thought to deter snakes from raiding the nests. Please take care not to approach the cavity trees too closely; Red-cockaded Woodpeckers are Federally Endangered. Patient observers will easily see the woodpeckers on spring mornings as they emerge and then begin bringing food to their chicks; early evenings are good, too. Please stay on the trails to avoid trampling some of the sensitive and rare plants that occur in this area. Seasonal hunting takes place in this area; please click here for information on dates, regulations and more.