Garden of Eden Rd., Bristol, 32321
(850) 643-2756
Daily, sunrise to sunset

At 135 feet above the Apalachicola River, Alum Bluff is the largest geological exposure in Florida. In fact, the topography of this site feels nothing like what most people expect from the Sunshine State. Hike the steep 3.75-mile trail through longleaf pine sandhills, upland mixed hardwoods, along the tops of steephead ravines, down into slope forests, across shallow streams, and out to the bluff. Listen for Wood Thrushes, Hooded Warblers, Barred Owls and Broad-winged Hawks along the way. Butterfly viewing is good in spring and fall. In the dry sandhills, expect Southern Dogface, Cloudless Sulphur and Sleepy Duskywing in spring. Also check for Dotted Skipper; in the ravines, search for Spring and Summer Azures. Not for the faint of heart, this hike will make you earn the spectacular views of the Apalachicola River, but they’re well worth the effort. Watch your footing and definitely bring water. While there’s no hunting on this property, The Nature Conservancy encourages visitors to wear bright colors in season, for safety.