Bloody Bluff Rd., Eastpoint, 32328
(850) 827-2934
Daily, sunrise to sunset

Along the drive down Bloody Bluff Rd., watch the edges for wintering sparrows including Chipping, Swamp and Song, and listen in spring for Bachman’s Sparrows. The boat ramp provides access to the Apalachicola River for boaters and paddlers. The river trail near the boat ramp at the end of the road can be good for songbirds like Yellow-throated Warbler and Blue-headed Vireo, and Swallow-tailed and Mississippi Kites frequent the river run. Most roads in this area can be interesting for birding (Creek Rd. and Old County Rd. have been productive for sparrows in the past) and several species of rare plants occur. In fall, butterfly viewing can be excellent; look for Question Mark, Red-spotted Purple, Southern Cloudywing and Long-tailed Skippers. This site is very rustic and there are some low water crossings on the dirt roads, but these washes are hard bottomed (and accordingly passable in 2WD except in times of very high water). Seasonal hunting takes place throughout this area; please click here for information on dates, regulations and more.