Cash Creek Landing, SR-65, Eastpoint, 32328
(850) 827-2934
Daily, 24 hours

If you’re traveling between Sumatra and Eastpoint, it’s worth taking a moment to pull off at the edge of Cash Bayou to take in the beautiful scenery at this site. There is a picnic pavilion on site affording great views of the bayou; , scan for Bald Eagles and American Bitterns (winter), and listen for Brown-headed Nuthatches and Pine Warblers. Better yet, launch your canoe or kayak from this landing and search the bayou for Marsh Wrens, Clapper Rails and Least Bitterns (summer). You may get lucky and come across a River Otter! In July and August look for Swallow-tailed Kites and flocks of swallows heading south. Click here for a recreation guide for this site and click here for a paddling guide. Seasonal hunting takes place throughout this area; please click here for information on dates, regulations and more.