S. Murphy Rd., Wewahitchka, 32465
(850) 827-2934
Daily, open 24 hours
Trail map

This part of the Wildlife and Environmental Area lies on the river’s west side, and includes roughly 1,100 acres of old agricultural fields mown and planted for hunting deer, turkey and quail. The same management techniques that benefit these species also make the area prime for wintering sparrows, species you may encounter include White-throated, Swamp, Song, Savannah, White-crowned, Field, Vesper and Grasshopper. Mississippi and Swallow-tailed Kites feast on insects above the fields in summer; Southeastern American Kestrels, Cooper’s Hawks and Red-tailed Hawks can be viewed year round. Get a map at the office on the way in and drive Tram, Boggy Branch, Bean Field, Palmetto and Indian Roads. Feel free to park on the roadside and walk the fields for sparrows. Ephemeral wetlands throughout the area are worth checking for wintering waterfowl also. A recreation guide for the ARWEA is available online. Seasonal hunting takes place in this area; please click here for information on dates, regulations and more.