Deaton Bridge Rd., Holt, 32583
(850) 957-6140
Daily, sunrise to sunset

This site adjacent to Blackwater River State Park is great for Bachman’s Sparrow in spring and summer – if they are singing you’ll likely hear them from the parking lot! Less than 1 mile from the entrance on H9 Road (across from Boundary Line Rd.) you should encounter species such as Red-headed Woodpecker, Brown-headed Nuthatch, Eastern Bluebird and Great Crested Flycatcher. Gates are open to general vehicular traffic from May 1 to October 1; gates will be closed in hunting season (hunters check in through a different gate). If the gate on Deaton Bridge Rd. is locked, you may use the parking lot next to the gate and walk in. Additional entrances are located at Pond Road off US 90 and at the intersection of Deaton Bridge Rd. and Indian Ford Rd. Take care driving on area clay roads – they can be slippery when wet. The Florida National Scenic Trail winds through the site and is open to hikers year round. Seasonal hunting takes place in this area; please click here for information on dates, regulations and more.