N. Karick Rd. and Karick Lake Lower Rd., Crestview, 32570
(850) 957-6140
Daily, sunrise to sunset

Two recreation areas (north and south) make this area of the state forest fun to explore. Check for Bachman’s Sparrow and Brown-headed Nuthatch in the sandhills, Wood Duck, Blue-winged Teal and wading birds like Green Heron may be visible from the north access pier, and songbirds like Yellow-throated Warbler, Red-eyed Vireo and Common Yellowthroat in the hardwoods around the lake. A 3.8-mile loop trail circles around the lake. Pay attention to ecotones, particularly those edges with hardwoods. These can be good for migrants like Scarlet Tanager that prefer this habitat over drier sandhills. Other species of interest here include Hairy Woodpecker, Common Nighthawk, Yellow-throated Vireo, Purple Martin, Orchard Oriole, and Pine Siskin (winter).