Three Notch Rd., Milton, 32570
(850) 957-6140
Daily, sunrise to sunset

This 5-mile stretch of Three Notch Rd. offers easy, safe roadside pull offs with Red-cockaded Woodpecker (RCW) cavity trees ringed with white paint, visible from the road. RCWs are most easily seen on spring mornings, when they emerge from their nest cavities to ferry food back to their hungry chicks. Frequent prescribed fire keeps this habitat healthy, so obey signs closing the area for this necessary management event. Use caution on area clay roads, which can be slippery when wet. Also check trails north of Coldwater Horse Trail for RCWs, if desired, along the east and west sides of Three Notch Rd. Seasonal hunting takes place in this area; please click here for information on dates, regulations and more.