23937 Panama City Beach Parkway, Panama City Beach, 32413
(850) 233-5059
Daily, 8:00am to sunset
Trail Map

Surrounded by water on three sides, (Gulf of Mexico, Lake Powell and Philips Inlet) the peninsula provides access to the resources of the gulf and Lake Powell. Lake Powell is one of the largest coastal dune lakes in Florida. These only exist along Florida’s Gulf coast in the United States and are rare worldwide. Over 3 and half miles of trails are available at this park. A paved North Trail runs along the northern boundary of the park and Lake Powell and turns into a 1 mile earth path loop trail. The main trail starts at the Rainbow Cottages, runs south across a footbridge, then loops through a coastal live oak hammock and dune system. A path from the loop’s south end leads to beachfront where Black Terns are possible in summer, Black-bellied and Piping Plovers in winter. Least Terns and Snowy Plovers have nested in the park. Salt and freshwater mixing at Philips inlet offers productive feeding for terns year-round, and wintering ducks like Redheads. The park offers a brochure about 9 common birds found within the park, as well as monthly bird species surveys conducted the last Saturday of each month at 6am through the Lake Powell Community Alliance.