Magda Village Rd, Milton, 32570
(850) 623-7602
call ahead for hours

As it descends through mixed pine-oak uplands, this charming and interesting 1.5-mile loop trail leads to a creek, beaver pond and associated wetlands. Listen for Pine Warblers singing in the uplands and the calls of Hermit Thrushes in winter. At the water, Common Yellowthroats scold from brushy tangles and wading birds like Little Blue Heron and Green Heron may be encountered. White-top Pitcher plants are visible from the elevated boardwalk. Prothonotary and Hooded Warblers breed here but can be tricky to see, stay quiet and listen for their distinctive call and song. This site is part of a functioning military Naval Air Station and access may be limited during times of elevated homeland security levels, so call ahead before you visit.