4600 North Meridian Rd., Tallahassee, 32312
(850) 891-3866
Daily, sunrise to sunset

Elinor Klapp-Phipps Park on Lake Jackson has areas of longleaf pine restoration, but its real asset is the beautiful deciduous slope forest following the trickle of small streams down to the big lake. Eastern Bluebirds, Indigo Buntings, and Wild Turkeys use open grassy areas. At the Equestrian entrance (Gate A) on Miller Landing Road, listen for Bachman’s Sparrows singing between March and July; Yellow-breasted Chat can be found here in summer. Follow the trail into the hammock, start watching and listening for resident species like Carolina Chickadee and Brown Thrasher as well as migrants like Wood Thrush and Acadian Flycatcher. In September, the park is regarded as the best site in Florida for finding Cerulean and Canada Warbler; over 25 species of wood-warbler have been recorded in September and October. Down by the large bat house on Lake Victoria at stop # 17, scope for Limpkins; Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks may be present. Butterfly viewing is very good, spring through fall. Unlike many sites, mid-summer has an impressive variety of butterfly species; look for spread-winged skippers, including Silver-spotted, Golden-banded, Hoary Edge and Southern Cloudywing along the woodland trails and in the open meadows. Trails at this park are extensive and winding. Pick up a trail map and butterfly checklist at the entrance and pay attention to your chosen route.