1895 Faulk Dr., Tallahassee, 32303
(850) 606-1470
Daily, sunrise to sunset

Another access to Lake Jackson, this one is a little more rustic. It’s best to park back from the landing and walk in, watching fence posts and small oaks for Eastern Phoebe (winter) and Yellow Warbler (August). At the landing, scan for Limpkin, Purple Gallinule and Little Blue Heron; Roseate Spoonbills are occasional visitors between June and September. The grassy area to the south of the landing may have Common Ground-Doves, Eastern Bluebirds and Common Yellowthroats, plus sparrows (such as Swamp and Savannah) in winter. Several rarities have been found here including Vermilion Flycatcher, Yellow-headed Blackbird and Clay-colored Sparrow. Launch a canoe or kayak to explore Lake Jackson in more detail.