3345 Caverns Road, Marianna, 32446
(850) 482-1228
Daily, 8:00am to sundown

Florida Caverns State Park has some of the best-preserved uplands in northwest Florida as well as mixed-hardwood swamps lining the drainage basin of the Chipola River. In winter, it is known for attracting northern species like Red-breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper and Winter Wren. Access both the Fish Hatchery Loop Trails and the Pine Island Loop Trails from the Blue Hole Swimming Area. Look for Mississippi Kites gliding over the canopy in the spring and summer. Cave tours are available at regular intervals and fill quickly so plan accordingly. An onsite canoe concession allows you to access the Upper Chipola River Water Management Area where you may encounter Swainson’s Warblers and Yellow-crowned Night Herons in summer. Butterflying is best here in late summer and early fall. In June check near the visitor center for the Silvery Checkerspot butterfly; in Florida, this species can only be found in Jackson County and Florida Caverns is the best site within the county to see one.