Fort Gadsden Rd., Sumatra, 32328
(850) 643-2282
Thursdays-Sundays, dawn to 6:00pm

This site of a British fort dating back to the War of 1812 is slowly returning to the nature it was eked out of centuries ago. Fortifications and historical signage are surrounded by pine flatwoods on one side, good for Great Crested Flycatchers, Common Yellowthroats and Bachman’s Sparrow in spring; on the other side, the shoreline at the broad, brown Apalachicola River is lined with hardwoods and cypress, home to resident Red-bellied Woodpeckers, and Prothonotary Warblers in spring and summer. Hike the flatwoods trail from the parking area, and walk the waterfront in migration. Red-shouldered Hawks and Mississippi Kites are raucous in spring/summer and you may catch a glimpse of a Swallow-tailed Kite and/or a Broad-winged Hawk. Red-cockaded Woodpeckers can be seen especially between April and June; look for the longleaf pines that have white rings painted around them. Note: Apalachicola National Forest: Fort Gadsden is temporarily closed to the public.