1801 Gulf Breeze Pkwy., Gulf Breeze, 32563
(850) 934-2600
Daily, 8:00am to sunset

This hub for the national seashore spans the spit of land separating Santa Rosa Sound from Pensacola Bay. Scan the sound for wintering water birds such as Common Goldeneye and Horned Grebe. All three species of scoter have been observed here. During spring and fall migration, check the live oaks; 22 species of wood-warbler have been recorded including Golden-winged and Cerulean. Look carefully, you may find a rare visitor; During the winter months Brown Creepers and Red-breasted Nuthatches have shown up. Check the shoreline for shorebirds; Piping Plover and Bonaparte’s Gulls may occur in winter and Black Skimmers and Snowy Plovers between spring and summer.