17000 Emerald Coast Parkway, Destin, 32541
(850) 837-7550
Daily, 8:00am to sundown

Henderson Beach State Park offers nice beachfront for nesting Snowy Plovers, Least Terns, and American Oystercatchers. Piping Plovers are present in winter and migratory shorebirds like Whimbrel and Semipalmated Sandpiper may be encountered in spring and fall. During the summer observe the posted areas and take care not to disturb beach-nesting birds, which are often cryptic and blend easily with the sand they nest upon. A nature trail by the beach access points winds through a small coastal hammock in a stretch of coastline where little of this important habitat remains. Watch for migrating songbirds such as Eastern Kingbird and Red-eyed Vireo here in spring and Merlin following the dune line in September and October. The campground has some nice trees worth checking for resident and migrant songbirds as access allows; ask for permission at the entrance gate and be considerate of campers. This site gets busy in warm weather. Loaner optics and field guides are available.