5583-A Longleaf Rd., Ebro, 32437
(850) 535-2888
Daily, sunrise to sunset
Trail map

Although there are 13 miles of hiking trails at this state forest, the most rewarding birding is via the Campground Loop and Dutch Tiemann Trails, which are accessed from the camping area. The former is marked with red blazes and hugs the cypress margin of a lake for approx. 2 miles. Watch for nesting Pileated Woodpeckers and Prothonotary Warblers, as well as ducks on the lake in winter. The Dutch Tiemann Trail is 6 miles long and stretches south through pinewoods good for Great Crested Flycatchers and Great Horned Owls, down to Pine Log Creek, and back north to the campground. Take water and sunscreen; bugs may be prohibitive in warm weather. Seasonal hunting takes place at this GFBWT site; please CLICK HERE for information on dates, regulations and more.