Bayfront Pkwy., Pensacola, 32502
Daily, sunrise to sunset

Project Greenshores is a restoration project undertaken by a suite of advocates and agencies. Located across from the Pensacola Visitor Center along Bayfront Pkwy., the project is systematically establishing an emergent marsh and oyster reef along the waterfront. The area has historically been good for birds like Osprey, Brown Pelican and Royal Tern, but as the salt marsh grasses take root, the birds are responding! In December 2011 an immature male King Eider was discovered at this site, a very rare bird for Florida! Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, Semipalmated Plover, Black-necked Stilt and more frequent the flats and shoreline. Park and walk the waterfront to the west along the Bay Shore; restoration efforts continue past the Missing Children’s Memorial on Hawkshaw Lagoon (across from Veterans Park) to Bartram Park.