117 Beaty Taff Dr., Crawfordville, 32327
(850) 926-7227
Daily, sunrise to sunset

This Wakulla County park provides a nice stop for a picnic lunch and the opportunity to enjoy migratory shorebirds. The parking area offers an easy vantage of shorebirds in fall-winter-spring. You may see small flocks of Short-billed Dowitcher, Dunlin, Willet, Marbled Godwit, Black Skimmer and Sanderling. When the tide is low scan the oyster bars for American Oystercatchers and Ruddy Turnstones and in winter Red-breasted Mergansers, Lesser Scaup and the occassional Black Scoter can be found diving in the channels. Keep an eye upward for migrating Merlin and Peregrine Falcon who when hungry are watching the shorebirds even more closely than you! Shorebirds are more diverse and plentiful between September and April. Common Ground-doves are resident here and wintering sparrows such as Vesper and Savannah can be found feeding in grassy areas.