4502 Live Oak Church Rd., Crestview, 32539
(850) 689-5772
Daily, sunrise to sunset

Visit the 5.5 acre Shoal River Wayside Park a.k.a Bill Duggan Jr. Park to see Green Herons and Belted Kingfishers at the river and Acadian Flycatcher and Yellow-billed Cuckoo in the adjacent floodplain forest. In this part of the Panhandle, floodplain corridors along rivers like this create migrant highways through arid turkey oak and sand pine uplands. Check the tree line and understory during migration for songbirds like Hooded and Prairie Warbler as well as Veery, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher and Ruby-crowned Kinglet. There is a public boat ramp in the park that provides access to the Shoal River’s 9.5 mile paddling trail.