2533 Big Bend Scenic Byway Coastal Trail, Carabelle, 32322
(850) 697-0100
Daily, sunrise to sunset

Catch a glimpse of the vast, 202,437-acre Tate’s Hell State Forest on this scenic trail. From either of the two parking areas on US 98, a nature trail leads 8 miles or two loops of 4 miles through sand pine scrub good for Brown-headed Nuthatches, Red-bellied Woodpeckers and Eastern Towhees. Listen for Yellow-breasted Chats and Orchard Orioles singing in spring/summer. Bald Eagles have nested northeast of the eastern parking area, so listen for their distinctive calls and watch for flyovers! Florida Black Bears frequent this area; look for tracks and other signs along the trail especially during the fall. Seasonal hunting takes place throughout the area; please click here for information on dates, regulations and more.