S. Blue Angel Pkwy/Radford Blvd., Pensacola, 32507
(850) 452-3100

The pleasant Trout Point Nature Trail follows a boardwalk for 0.5 miles through the dune area, providing the unique vantage of sandy shoreline on one side and freshwater marsh and open water on the other. Wading birds like Yellow-crowned Night-herons and Snowy Egrets work the marshes while beachfront attracts Willets, Royal Terns and Bonaparte’s Gulls (winter). Pines along the waterfront trail are worth checking for Pine Warblers and Brown-headed Nuthatches. This nature trail is part of Pensacola Naval Air Station and occasional noise from aircraft should be expected. At the entrance security gate, tell the security officer you are visiting Trout Point Nature Trail. Heightened security levels may limit access, so call ahead for information.