NF 101/Wright Lake Rd., Bristol, 32321
(850) 643-2282
Summer: 8:00am-8:00pm
Winter: 8:00am-6:00pm

Two trails at this site, a 0.25-mile lake trail and a 5-mile one, traverse stretches of basin swamp and longleaf pine-wiregrass community. Plants and animals in the latter community type have come to depend on frequent fire that keeps the understory low and open, stimulating pine seeds to germinate and wiregrass to flower. Since natural fire is feared by people, it’s been suppressed in much of Florida, allowing many remaining examples of this community to become overgrown and unsuitable for the animals that are uncompromisingly dependent on it. Here in the national forest, prescribed fire is used to keep pinewoods healthy, making it one of the best places in the United States to see Red-cockaded Woodpecker and Bachman’s Sparrow. Early mornings between April and June are best, when male sparrows are singing, and the woodpeckers are busy coming and going from their nest cavities. You may also see and/or hear Northern Bobwhite, Mississippi Kite (summer), Yellow-throated Vireo (spring/summer) and Brown-headed Nuthatch (resident). Keep an eye out for Fox Squirrels and Florida Black Bears as both have been spotted at this site. Seasonal hunting takes place throughout much of the forest; please click here for information on dates, regulations and more. Note: Apalachicola National Forest: Wright Lake is temporarily closed to the public.