6450 Gasparilla Pines Blvd., Englewood, 33947
(941) 613-3220
Daily, 6:00am-9:00pm

This 225-acre preserve offers trail loops through scrubby oak and pine flatwoods, with an open water marsh. Here you can find many of the species associated with the scrub and flatwood community: Red-headed and Pileate Woodpeckers, Pine and Yellow-throated Warblers, Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, Eastern Towhees and Great Horned Owls. The central wetland area offers Wood Storks, both pelicans, several species of winter ducks, and a collection of other water-associated birds such as Bald Eagle, Osprey, Sora (winter), Black Skimmer, and Common Yellowthroat. Black-necked Stilts and Greater Yellowlegs can be found at the wetland and both Painted Buntings and Swamp Sparrows have been recorded during the winter.