50 Estero Blvd., Fort Myers Beach, 33931
(239) 229-1610
Daily, 7:00am to dusk

This preserve at the northwest tip of Estero Island may be small (only 18 acres), but its location and habitat diversity make it a must-see on any birding loop that includes the island. Trails along the Gulf beach yield views of Snowy, Piping and Wilson’s plovers, in addition to the myriad terns and gulls that cruise the beach. The bay shoreline is best for waders such as Reddish Egrets that poke the mudflats at low tide. Black Skimmers and Brown Pelicans ply the surf, and occasionally a Bald Eagle can be seen among the Ospreys overhead. Take care not to disturb loafing plovers in the dunes. Interior trails lead to a tidal creek, which is a magnet for migrating songbirds – look in the sea grapes first thing in the morning for best results.