Cayo Costa Island, Boca Grande, 33921
(941) 964-0375
Daily, 8:00am to sundown

This barrier island park is a unique experience. Board one of the commercial ferries that service the park and expect a day of birding in relatively undisturbed tranquility. Look for species like American Oystercatcher, Black Skimmer, Snowy Plover and Least Tern. Magnificent Frigatebirds, Ospreys and Bald Eagles ply the open air above. Mangrove swamps and interior scrub and hammock are also on the island, so look for hawks and owls, as well as smaller birds such as buntings (Indigo and Painted) and warblers during spring migration. Take everything that you need for the whole day trip (there are no stores on the island) or make arrangements to spend the night in the campground if you are keen to enjoy the beautiful night sky and to see what is moving at first light.