CR-833, Clewiston 33440
(863) 902-3349
Daily, sunrise to sunset

This 21,714-acre WMA and ranch has a little bit of everything: hardwood hammock, freshwater swamp, prairie and pine flatwoods. Drive or bike Hilliard Grade and walk the reclaimed cattle penning lanes watching for Burrowing Owls, Sandhill Cranes, Wild Turkey, Crested Caracara and the occasional Snail Kite. Both species of whistling-duck have been recorded in recent times and wading birds such as Wood Stork and Roseate Spoonbill can be present in small flocks. Oak hammocks at the ends of some trails offer songbird migrants in spring and fall, and winter sparrows and Loggerhead Shrikes perch on fences or in the roadside brush. Other Florida specialties to look for include Short-tailed Hawk, Purple Gallinule, and Painted Bunting. Seasonal hunting takes place at this site, please click here for more details.