23500 SW Kanner Hwy., Canal Point, 33438
(561) 924-5310
Daily, 24 hours; except during seasonal hunting

This vast property has mesic oak hammock, pine flatwoods and wetland habitats. Stop at the visitor center (look for spring/fall migrants plus buntings in winter) for a map and then drive the auto tour route (15 miles roundtrip) south along Jim Lake Grade, checking wetlands for Eastern Phoebes and pines for Wild Turkeys. At DuPuis Grade, turn left (S) and go several miles to the fishing pier area. Along the way, bird the roadside; Red-cockaded Woodpeckers are here. The Group Campground area has large oaks attractive to songbirds. Bald Eagles are seen during the nesting season. Trails are extensive; bring water, insect repellent and a map. Seasonal hunting takes place at this site, please click here for more details.