3010 Banana Grove Rd., Moore Haven, 33471
(863) 946-1194
Daily, 24 hours

A fun experience awaits you at this WMA. Parking, restrooms and a viewing platform along Fisheating Creek are available. As you walk along the trail to Fort Center, scan the pastures on both sides for resident Crested Caracara. Also keep watch for Eastern Meadowlarks, wintering sparrows and Wild Turkey. Resident hawks like Red-shouldered and Short-tailed soar overhead. The vast floodplain marsh can be good for a variety of wading birds. as well as stately Florida Sandhill Cranes. Numerous duck species such as American Wigeon, Mottled Ducks and Ring-necked Ducks visit in winter months. One of the major highlights for visitors in the summer months are the Swallow-tailed Kites. This is one of the largest pre-migration staging grounds in the country for this species; visit in late July/early August. Seasonal hunting takes place at this site please click here for more details.