12201 Prosperity Farms Rd, Palm Beach Gardens, 33410
(561) 233-2400
Daily, sunrise to sunset

This wonderful site in busy Palm Beach Gardens is filled with big old live oaks and sabal palms, traversed by an old-growth cypress strand. The ADA trail offers good access, and the red trail also provides entrée to the hardwood swamp via boardwalk. The mosaic of habitats is excellent not only for migratory songbirds but also for residents like Great Horned Owls and Pileated Woodpeckers. Over 25 species of wood-warbler have been recorded including Chestnut-sided, Kentucky, Swainson’s and Yellow-throated. Rarities spotted in past years include Black-faced Grassquit and Western Spindalis. Butterfly viewing is also great at this site; look for the spectacular Ruddy Daggerwing in shaded areas.