17530 W. Dixie Hwy., North Miami Beach, 33160
(305) 945-3425
Daily, sunrise to sunset

This urban family-friendly park includes a golf course, multi-use trails and extensive mangrove boardwalks. Like many urban oases, Neotropical migrants frequent the patches of tropical hardwood hammock, most easily accessed from the hammock trail at the parking area opposite the Nature Center. During spring and fall migration more than 25 species of wood-warbler have been recorded in the park including Black-throated Blue, Nashville and Yellow-throated. Look for Yellow-crowned Night Herons skulking between the mangroves and Short-tailed Hawks soaring overhead. Look for Painted Buntings between October and March. A Thick-billed Vireo was found at the park in 2011 and a Black-throated Gray Warbler in 2012.