3109 E. Sunrise Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, 33304
(954) 564-4521
Daily, 8:00am to sundown

This is a pleasant site to bird and its 2-mile circular drive through the park allows easy pedestrian, wheelchair or vehicular access to some of the park’s best birding. Over 180 species have been recorded and the park is famous for attracting rarities from the Bahamas; Key West Quail-Dove, La Sagra’s Flycatcher, Thick-billed Vireo, Bahama Mockingbird, Bananaquit, and Western Spindalis have all been spotted in the park. Watch the hammocks for songbird migrants; 30 species of wood-warbler are on the park’s checklist including Connecticut, Blackburnian and Bay-breasted. Search the mangrove edge for Green Herons and Yellow-crowned Night-herons, and the freshwater lagoons for Anhingas. Canoes are available to explore the lagoon system. Two brief nature trails give more in-depth hammock experiences; also watch for Magnificent Frigatebird flyovers from the adjacent beaches.