210 Winson Ave., Englewood, 34223
(941) 861-5000
Daily, 6:00am-10:00pm

Almost a true “postage stamp” park, this tiny site offers a place for either a quick scan of the bay or a comfortable spot to set up a scope for an hour while you have lunch. Only 7 acres in size, this site provides a vista over Lemon Bay, where you can see American Oystercatchers, Ruddy Turnstones and Western Sandpipers, as well as a host of other shorebirds at low tide. Osprey and Bald Eagles hunt the bay, and terns and gulls carve the air overhead. While here, take a stroll along the wooded trail over the prehistoric Indian Mound; look and listen for migratory species as you walk. Come during winter for views of Common Loons and Red-breasted Mergansers.