11835 Seminole Pratt Whitney Rd, Loxahatchee, 33412
(561) 624-6989
Daily, 24 hours; closed during seasonal hunts

Portions of this 60,000-plus-acre conservation area are quite rugged. The main route described below is generally passable in 2WD vehicles though 4WD is necessary if venturing off onto other numbered trails and roads. From the south entrance, follow the signs to the Hungryland Boardwalk. This walk will take you through cypress domes and pine flatwoods good for Wood Storks as well as upland species like Wild Turkey, Common Yellowthroats, Barred Owls and more. From this point, you can hike a portion of the Florida Trail, or else drive the 25-mile circuit along Stumpers Grade south to the M-O Canal, west along the canal to South Grade, NW to North Grade, and exit onto Beeline Hwy. This route will take you through a mosaic of very wild flatwoods and wetlands good for Snail Kites, Sandhill Cranes, roving flocks of wintering songbirds and woodpeckers, and raptors like Red-shouldered Hawks hunting from the tree line. This WMA is home to the most southeastern population of Red-cockaded Woodpeckers (check trails #14, 15, and N section of #8). Public recreational access is allowed year-round except two weeks prior to archery season when the area is closed; please click here for more information.