(formerly John U. Lloyd Beach State Park)
6503 N. Ocean Dr., Dania Beach, 33004
(954) 923-2833
Daily, 8:00am to sundown

Once overrun with invasive Australian pines, ongoing management is returning this park to its original, native condition. Check the beaches via the boardwalk accesses for wintering shorebirds like Black-bellied and Piping Plovers and gulls like Lesser Black-backed and Herring. The regenerating Barrier Island Nature Trail and the sea grape trees lining most of the parking lots are good during spring and fall migration; over 20 species of wood-warbler have been recorded including Connecticut and Wilson’s. Many rarities have been recorded in the park including Thick-billed Vireo, Bahama Mockingbird, Western Spindalis, and Yellow-headed Blackbird. The jetty at the north end offers a tantalizing vantage for sea watching; Magnificent Frigatebirds are regularly spotted and rarities like Cory’s Shearwater have been recorded.