SW 232 Ave., Homestead, 33034
(561) 686-8800
Daily, sunrise to sunset

You may not believe this site when you first drive up to it. Although the actual site encompasses a large stretch of land around it, the main birding spot is a small tropical hammock that covers only a quarter of an acre. Don’t be fooled, 220 species of birds have been recorded at this hotspot, which is a regular stop for local birders on day-long birding tours of the county. An island of lush growth in the middle of agricultural fields, Lucky Hammock is a haven for migratory and wintering songbirds; more than 30 species of wood-warbler have been recorded including Blackburnian, Chestnut-sided and Wilson’s. Painted Buntings are common from fall to spring and the grassy edges are good for winter sparrows. Keep an eye on the sky for resident White-tailed Kites, which are occasionally spotted hunting the fields around the hammock. Early in morning is best, especially during migration when you may be treated to a fallout. Many rarities have been found at Lucky Hammock, making it lucky indeed for the birders who found them; Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher, Tropical Kingbird, Townsend’s Warbler, and Yellow-headed Blackbird have all been recorded.