3845 SE Kubin Ave., Stuart, 34997
(772) 220-7114
Daily, sunrise to sunset

An oasis of tropical hammock in a sea of suburbia, Maggy’s Hammock, formerly known as Rocky Point Hammock, is perched along the Atlantic Coastal Ridge in Port Salerno, south of Stuart. This unique location creates an appealing mix of scrub and tropical habitats, with diminutive plants atop the higher elevations and a dense ring of tropical forest and ancient trees that attract songbird migrants such as Northern Parula, Swainson’s Thrush, Ovenbird, Black-and-white and Yellow-throated Warbler during spring and fall. A mile-long loop circles the 22-acre preserve, and a wheelchair-accessible linear trail connects the two trailheads, slicing the loop in two to access a picnic area and playground in the middle. It’s an excellent place to take a nature walk with your kids. On good migration days this is a hotbed of feeding songbirds. On slower days expect a short, pleasant walk through magical old live oaks.